Real Estate
Real Estate ownership, development, and transactional sales have unique risk exposures. Partnering with the right insurance firm and tailoring the correct insurance program won’t guarantee isolation from having a claim, but it might help secure a favorable outcome.
Keelson Partners has close relationships with a multitude of carriers that provide insurance coverage for risks common to the real estate industry, including but not limited to:
• Professional liability for errors and omissions
• Commercial property coverage, including layered excess policies
• Builders risk or course of construction programs
• Business income and extra expense coverage
• Catastrophic loss coverage for perils such as earthquake and flood
• Machinery breakdown/boiler coverage
• Commercial general liability and layered umbrella coverage
• Commercial automobile coverage for maintenance and delivery vehicles
• Workers’ compensation coverage for employees
• Crime and fiduciary coverages
Keelson Partners understands the real estate industry and how to develop a comprehensive insurance program to fill these needs. An experienced team of professionals will help you and your firm through the complexity of risk transfer.
Please feel free to call us or email us if you have any questions.