Commercial Insurance Services
Management Liability Insurance
In the environment of corporate risk, Keelson Partners offers detailed expert advice on Employment Practices Liability (EPL). In light of recent well-published employment cases, an EPL policy is an important component in protecting the company from rising costs in settling and defending claims for unfair dismissals, allegations of harassment, discrimination and other related issues.
Worker's Compentation
With over 50 years of risk management experience, we can evaluate your operation and help develop a program to address your unique exposures, tailoring a package to fit your financial and risk tolerance objectives. To help you obtain the best value from your premium dollar, we provide you with the tools needed to balance price, service and coverage.
Business Insurance
Keelson Partners is committed to helping each client reduce risk while enhancing their performance through innovative risk management strategies. We also believe that risk management is too complex for one individual to manage effectively.
Why Keelson Partners?
We help to create a better environment and help our customers feel valued and important in the time of crisis.
Our analysis of your current benefits begins with an understanding of your company philosophy and work force. This insight provides the foundation for the most comprehensive and competitive benefit program helping you retain and reward your employees. Based on your corporate culture, our consultants can help you compare your offerings to the latest portfolio of products.
Architects & Engineers
Keelson Partners is a leading provider of insurance coverage for architects, engineers and environmental consultants.
With over three decades of experience serving the design professions, Keelson Partners applies a broad understanding of the issues related to the allocation of risk and your responsibilities. As specialists in professional liability protection for design professionals, Keelson Partners provides solutions that can positively impact your firm’s bottom line.
In addition to professional liability insurance, we offer office package policies and workers’ compensation plans.
Keelson Partners offers a range of insurance products to meet the specific protection needs of accountants and accounting firms.
In particular, as specialists in professional liability protection for accountants, Keelson Partners brings you expertise in insurance for the distinctive risks surrounding professional performance, errors and omissions and negligence. We also bring you specific knowledge about the professional liability pitfalls that threaten accounting practices. This enables us to tailor a program to your needs.
Real Estate
Real Estate ownership, development, and transactional sales have unique risk exposures. Partnering with the right insurance firm and tailoring the correct insurance program won’t guarantee isolation from having a claim, but it might help secure a favorable outcome.
Keelson Partners understands the real estate industry and how to develop a comprehensive insurance program to fill these needs. An experienced team of professionals will help you and your firm through the complexity of risk transfer.
Media & Technology
Companies that want to succeed in today’s brand and image intensive market must learn how to manage intellectual property assets. This has become imperative for small to mid-sized technology firms, considering the financial burden of intellectual property lawsuits. Multimillion-dollar court awards provide clear warning that intellectual property lawsuits can decimate a company’s bottom line. It is no surprise that shrewd ownership of intellectual property, and proper respect for the intellectual property of others, has emerged as critical issues in today’s fast-paced business environment.