Architects & Engineers
Keelson Partners is a leading provider of insurance coverage for architects, engineers and environmental consultants.
With over three decades of experience serving the design professions, Keelson Partners applies a broad understanding of the issues related to the allocation of risk and your responsibilities. As specialists in professional liability protection for design professionals, Keelson Partners provides solutions that can positively impact your firm’s bottom line.
In addition to professional liability insurance, we offer office package policies and workers’ compensation plans.
We focus on:
• Delivering the best professional liability insurance protection at the most economical price
• Helping you control liability exposures and build a well-managed firm
• Service that reflects our respect of your time.
All members of our staff are licensed. They participate in continuing insurance education, have attended specialized training and place a premium on providing service that includes returning calls on the same day and always representing your best interests with your insurance carrier. We issue certificates of insurance and review your contacts for their insurance implications within 24 hours.
Most importantly, we believe that insurance protection should be a genuine business asset, not simply an issue of price and coverage. We’re sure you’ll appreciate the difference this makes in how we approach protecting you.
Please feel free to give us a call or email us if you have any questions.